Is your Posture Causing Overuse Injuries!

Overuse injuries develop gradually over time, due to repetitive stress and strain on muscles, tendons, and joints.  Unlike acute injuries, which occur suddenly and are often the result of a specific trauma, overuse injuries result from the cumulative wear and tear of ongoing activities on overworked areas of the body. You may feel you are ageing prematurely

Our musculoskeletal system absorbs huge amounts of force as we move. Our body is designed to spread that force over a balanced system of bones, muscles, and supporting tissues (ligaments, tendons, etc.).

When our bones and joints are properly aligned, our muscles work cooperatively to power, stabilize and disperse the force of our movement.  Misalignments disrupt this cooperative synergy, increasingly concentrating the burden of movement on isolated muscles, bones, joints, and supporting tissues.  These overworked and increasingly vulnerable areas of our musculoskeletal system are more susceptible to injury and pain.

Here are some common problems that lead to overuse injuries:

  • Muscles that don’t have the chance to rest and recover clamp down or spasm to prevent further injury.
  • Joints and cartilage exposed to continuous friction during movement and bones overloaded from weight bearing wear out faster than they can be repaired.
  • Forces designed for distribution across supporting structures working in unison become concentrated on isolated areas, resulting in the breakdown and inflammation of overworked tendons, ligaments, and bursa.

Overuse injuries are the results of misaligned movement repeated over and over, resulting in excessive – and avoidable – wear and tear.

The Postural Neurology Method: Both Prevention and Injury Recovery

Feel Better: Injury Recovery

Identifying the root cause of a problem is essential to an effective and lasting solution.  For overuse injuries, that root cause is posture misalignment.  By identifying and measuring your body’s imbalances, we craft a personalized set of exercises targeted to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones, promoting better body mechanics and reducing the stress and strain on effected areas.

Move Better: Injury Prevention

Improving movement patterns is a central component of The Postural Neurology Method. Overuse injuries often stem from poor movement habits and improper body mechanics.  Your personalized exercises enhance flexibility, strength, and coordination, which are crucial for proper movement and injury prevention.  By correcting misalignments and promoting balanced muscle function, you’ll learn to move more efficiently and effectively, and achieve a more natural and fluid range of motion.

Live Better: Integrating Balance into Your Daily Life

Ultimately, restoring balance and alignment to your body enhances your overall quality of life. Addressing both the symptoms and root cause of your overuse injuries improves your immediate health.  And practicing correct postural exercises daily supports your long-term well being, allowing you to foster a healthier lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper posture, and mindful movement.

Suffering from an overuse injury?  Get a free posture assessment today to identify and understand the alignment issues causing your problem – and what you can do to solve those issues once and for all.

If you need help you can click here to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at the Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health. Simply email us at to make an appointment Or call +65 63236652. We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Are your teeth making you sick?

You will easily recognise it in your mouth by its colour… it’s gray or black.

And you can sometimes feel the “electric battery” effect by passing your tongue over it. 

It’s composed of only ONE gram… but the damage it can cause to your body can be absolutely catastrophic! It might be retained at the moment…

But it risks being released into your body if it breaks or if the seal wears down…

And when that happens… You could be at risk of cancer… and so many more chronic diseases!

All because of an attempt to stop a toothache. Some dental fillings contain mercury.  

FDA U.S Food and Drug Administration released an article on these very filings…

“Dental amalgam is a dental filling material used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid  (elemental) mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper.  Approximately half (50%) of dental amalgam is elemental mercury by weight.”

Mercury is just one of MANY heavy metals we are exposed to on a daily basis! These metals bind to and interfere with VITAL enzymes and proteins. They can damage organs, particularly the brain, liver and kidneys, which are crucial for detoxifying the body.

Additionally, they can impair neurological functions. Leading to issues like memory loss, confusion, and fatigue. Over time, these heavy metals can deteriorate your health drastically!

One reason for the wide-range of symptoms is that mercury taken into the body can accumulate in virtually any organ.  An estimated 80% of the mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings is absorbed by the lungs and passed to the rest of the body, particularly the brain, kidney, liver, lung, and gastrointestinal tract

The half- life of metallic mercury varies depending on the organ where the mercury was deposited and the state of oxidation, and mercury deposited in the brain can have a half- life of up to several decades.

Toxic effects of this mercury exposure vary by individual, and one or a combination of symptoms can be present and can change over time. An array of co-existing factors influence this personalized reaction to dental mercury including the presence of other health conditions, the number of amalgam fillings in the mouth, gender, genetic predisposition, dental plaque, exposure to lead, consumption of milk, alcohol, or fish, and more.

In addition to the fact that individual response to mercury varies, the effects of these exposures are even more insidious because it can take many years for symptoms of mercury poisoning to manifest themselves, and previous exposures, especially if they are relatively low-level and chronic (as is often the case from dental amalgam fillings), might not be associated with the delayed onset of symptoms. 

It is not surprising that just as there are a wide-range of mercury poisoning symptoms, there are also a wide-range of health risks related to dental amalgam fillings.

Additionally, they can impair neurological functions. Leading to issues like memory loss, confusion, and fatigue. Over time, these heavy metals can deteriorate your health drastically!

Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, are pervasive toxins found in the environment. Their accumulation in the body can lead to chronic health conditions:

Case Study: Sarah, a 40-year-old woman, experienced unexplained fatigue and brain fog. Testing revealed elevated mercury levels in her blood.

Once we started on an intense process to lower her toxic metal status she experienced a rapid reduction of her symptoms   

If you need help you can click here to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health. Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call  +65 6323 6652. We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients.

Is your Brain Stuck in a Dis-ease Loop?

In my professional experiences in working with thousands of clients from all walks of life over the past three decades have shown me that there are two types of chronic dis-ease.

And they are…

Type I: Physiologically Standard

This type is driven mainly by lifestyle and lack of self-care. Those in this category typically respond well to lifestyle and biochemical-based interventions such as lab testing, pathogen eradication protocols, detoxes, etc.

Once someone commits, they often can implement and stick with necessary lifestyle shifts.

The healing path has some ups and downs but is relatively straightforward. The person recovers and gets on with life. My client Ming, with a severe case of ulcerative colitis, fell into this category. Once he committed to doing the work, he reached 100% remission within two years.

These are great clients to work with because everyone is happy, and the practitioner feels successful in their efforts. These types of clients, however, are becoming more and more of an exception.

Type II: Mind Body Complex

Within this category, improvements from biochemical-based interventions such as lab testing, pathogen eradication protocols, detoxes, etc., are short-lived or, worse, not tolerated. The person tends to lack the money to implement and stick with necessary lifestyle shifts, take them to perfectionist extremes, or toggle back and forth.

Despite a substantial investment of time, energy, and finances in various healing interventions, the person remains stuck. This often goes on for years or even a lifetime, leading to chaos in all aspects of one’s life. Depression, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness to change one’s circumstances are common. These clients are becoming increasingly the norm and are increasingly flooding the medical system..What’s the ONE Thing That Separates The Two?

My answer is vagal- limbic system trauma loops that cause the brain to get stuck in high-alert mode and continuously hijack the entire nervous system. Considering the nervous system is the master regulator of physiology and psychology, this leads to the system’s inability to return to homeostasis and, thus, widespread metabolic dysfunction.

Add the elements of time and repetition to this, and it evolves into deeply ingrained psycho-neuro-immunological programs that run the show — most of the time, outside of our conscious awareness.

Here’s The Deal…

We have the merging of the cell danger response switch and the vagal- limbic system trauma loops.                                                          

In a nutshell, when mitochondria sense more threat than safety, they shift out of energy-producing mode and into the direction of defence mode, where all functions are downregulated or halted in extreme scenarios. The keyto resolving chronic inflammation is to turn off the cell danger response switch by creating internal and external environments that foster more safety than threat. Threats include physiological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Until a person cultivates an awareness that this is happening and consistently takes action toward “deleting” these programs and “installing” more supportive ones……. no amount of biochemical interventions, such as labs and protocols, as stand-alone interventions, will lead to sustainable wellness — or likely even be tolerated.

It took some people over 16 years to arrive at this understanding before coming to see me.

If you need help you can click HERE to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health. Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call +65 63236652. We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Is Dirty Electricity poisoning you?

Is Dirty Electricity poisoning you?

Almost thirty years ago I wrote about toxic EMF. I shocked the editor of the magazine. The section on toxic EMF was barely a few paragraphs in a five thousand word article on environmental toxicity.

In 2014, I published my Amazon bestselling book “Protecting Yourself and Your Family against Radiation Toxicity”. 

Dr. Magda Havas, a scientist who works at Trent University in Canada, warned more than 15 years ago, that “dirty electricity” (DE) is a new “ubiquitous pollutant” which deserves to be studied more closely. DE is the new smoking disease.

Her study presented several anecdotal reports and case studies where people who reduced their exposure to dirty electricity – sometimes by using special filters which help minimize this type of EMF – saw positive changes in their everyday symptoms and brain function. (                                                           

Dr. Havas explains:
“Once dirty electricity is reduced, people’s health improves. For some it is reflected in more normal blood sugar levels, for others symptoms of MS are reduced, and for still others tinnitus disappears and behavior resembling ADD/ADHD improves. Since dirty electricity is becoming ubiquitous, large fractions of the population are being exposed to this pollutant and some are being adversely affected.”

“Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, ADD/ADHD, asthma, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia are all increasing in the population and the reasons for this increase are poorly understood. Dirty electricity may be one of the contributors to these illnesses.”

In various studies, certain strains of E.coli and Staph became more resistant to antibiotics after being exposed to a Wi-Fi router, or cell phone radiation. Given the incredible problem that antibiotic-resistance represents around the world, it’s stunning that these studies have not led to more reaction from governments.

For example, “economic losses of about $20 billion have been recorded in the US, while losses of about $35 billion annually have also been recorded in terms of lost productivity due to antibiotic resistance in health care systems.” (4)

Instead, most modern hospitals have been busy… INCREASING how many wireless-emitting devices they use.

We do need more research. We do not know for sure, even to this day, how much DE is contributing to the above illnesses. And the reality is that there is very little on-going research specifically on DE… most of the EMF studies are focused on cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi and other sources of wireless radiation.

But the question is, as always, what should we do right now, as a preventative measure, while we “wait for more research to come out?”

You can choose to do nothing, and wait. That’s perfectly valid, and is a personal choice.

Our current EMF safety guidelines simply do not protect the population against short-term or long-term negative health impacts. Therefore, all we know for sure is that “there is no known ‘safe’ level of man-made EMF exposure.”

Independent EMF scientists estimate that anywhere from 3-10% of the population may be hyper-sensitive to EMFs in general. Others like Havas say that 35% of the entire population likely already experiences mild to moderate symptoms. We simply do not know which frequencies are the worst for these people, and DE could be an important (hidden) trigger.

The precautionary principle has been ignored so many times in the past and caused immense harm. So…taking action before we reach “scientific certainty”, or “identify causality,” is the smartest way to go.  Doctors in environmental medicine and/or who are very aware of electro-hypersensitivity have identified that DE reduction can sometimes help reduce symptoms for people with neurological diseases. The information is not published in journals, and yet, I cannot ignore it.

I have personally connected with countless individuals who claim to be electro-hypersensitive, and who also claim that reducing DE has helped them. Let us help you check if “dirty electricity” (DE) could be affecting you. 

If you need help you can click HERE to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call  +65 63236652.

We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients.

The Root Cause of Chronic Dis-ease

One of the most significant game-changing wisdom bombs I learned on in my research was was this…

The widely taught school of thought is that inflammation is the root cause of chronic dis-ease.                     

While it’s a factor , it’s not the catalyst of dysfunction but a by product.
So, what’s THE real culprit? It’s impaired energy production (aka mitochondrial dysfunction).  How so?  Well, think about it…

Energy is the foundation of life, and life begins with cells. Just as our smartphones don’t function well with a low charge , neither do our cells, specifically mitochondria, the cell’s energy powerhouses.

Without ample voltage, cells can’t perform their many health-supportive jobs, with detoxification, immune function, and tissue regeneration as the most critical functions.
This fallout is chronic inflammation – making it a symptomversus a root cause .
And this leads the way to the cell danger response model of chronic disease.

In a nutshell, when mitochondria sense more threat than safety, they shift out of energy-producing mode and into the direction of defence mode, where all functions are downregulated or halted in extreme scenarios.

The keyto resolving chronic inflammation is to turn turn off the cell danger response   switch by creating internal and external environments that foster more safety than threat.  Threats include physiological, psychological, and environmental factors.

So, where does one begin?  Well, this is a BIG question, and it will look differently for everyone, but I’d say the TOP 5 places to start are as follows:

  1. Optimize Nutrition. — Cells run on nutrients. If we consume foods that are not biologically compatible and/or that we can’t optimally digest, they irritate the gut lining, activate the immune system, lead to intestinal permeability, and threaten the system.

    NOTE: If your gut is damaged, fibrous and starchy foods are likely NOT strategic for you at this time.

    2. Take Inventory of Your Life. This is critical as we cannot continue to invest our energy in things, habits, processes, people, and situations that drain more energy than they give and expect to be and/or stay well.

    3. Assess and Balance Minerals. Minerals are CORE NUTRIENTS and the sparkplugs of energy production. Cells can’t hold a charge when minerals become depleted and/or deranged; minerals are mirrors to both the physical and emotional body—AND they don’t lie!.The best place to begin is with Oligoscan interpreted and implemented within a trauma-informedwhole-person approach — which we use in our clinic.

    4. Reduce the Body’s Stress Load — Stress is stored in the body within the musculature and fascia. Without a consistent practice to release it, it accumulates and creates issues in our tissues. While releasing stored stress is multifaceted, daily restorative movement practices such as walking, stretching, and specific trauma-release exercises, such as TRE® (Trauma Release Exercises), are essential.                                                          
    5. Implement Mitochondrial Restoration Strategies — My top ten picks for these are:
  2. Optimal Nutrition (I can’t emphasize this one enough!)

Sense of SAFETY within relationships                       Sleep & REST

Restorative Movement                                                Sunlight

Vit D Lamp (when the sun isn’t available)                   Red Light Therapy

IR Sauna                                                                     Earthing

Breath Work                                                                 CoQ10

If you need help you can click here to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment

or call  +65 63236652.

We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Detox Your Way to Wellness

We will shed light on the often overlooked but important issue of environmental toxicity and its impact on our health. As a naturopath, one of my primary concerns is ensuring overall well-being. Today, we will explore the various diseases associated with environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, and air pollution from our thirty-five years of experience.

With the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stating that up to 93% of all human cancers are not genetic, it’s clear that the environment plays a significant role in the disease’s prevalence. 

Everyday, without even realizing it, you’re exposed to environmental toxins.

They’re everywhere:

  • Mercury in your dental fillings or certain fish you love
  • Arsenic hiding in your favorite dishes
  • Parasites lurking in your food and water
  • Lead in old pipes and paints in your house
  • Toxins from everyday environmental exposure
  • Aluminum in beauty products such as lipstick and antiperspirants
  • Cadmium in furniture, mattresses, and e-cigarettes

It’s nearly impossible to dodge heavy metals, toxins, and parasites in our modern world. The overwhelming presence of environmental toxins could be affecting you. How do you know if you are affected?

Chronic fatigue syndrome?

Feeling weak in the muscles?

Unexplained aches and pain?

Often finding yourself in a “brain fog”?

Cognitive and neurological disorders

Digestive problems and allergies?

Unexplained headaches or mood swings?

Irregular menses or hormonal swings?

Kidney damage and cardiovascular issues?

Environmental toxins pose a significant threat to our overall and brain health, but awareness and taking preventive measures can safeguard us from their adverse effects. By implementing simple changes in our daily lives, such as opting for organic produce, purifying our air and water, and limiting exposure to toxic substances, we can minimize the risks associated with environmental toxicity.                               

Consult with a naturopath or healthcare professional for personalized guidance on detoxification and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to environmental toxicity and its impact on our well-being. Stay safe, stay healthy!

Come and find out what you can do at our Detox:Your Better Way to Wellness one day programme. All those who register and turn up will get access to two Wellness Assessment programs valued at $50. Only for those who register and turn up.

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call +65 63236652. We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Your Glymphatic System and Sleep

Are you among the millions of people who wrestle with the frustrating, energy-draining issue of elusive sleep?

When you don’t sleep well, it’s not just fatigue and brain fog that you need to worry about; the repercussions echo throughout your entire body!

Poor sleep can hamper your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. It can disrupt your hormones, leading to mood swings and weight gain, and can impact your appetite

Lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It can affect your cognitive functions, impairing memory, attention, and decision-making abilities

Lack of sleep puts your emotional well-being at stake, as sleep deprivation can trigger stress, anxiety, and depression.

Lastly, poor sleep hinders the body’s repair work — tissue growth, muscle repair, and synthesis of essential molecules all happen during sleep

When your sleep quality dwindles, your overall health and wellness pay the price!

Deep sleep plays a crucial role in the optimal functioning of the brain microbiome, including necessary nightly brain detoxification. And when you don’t get it, your body suffers.

But how?

The glymphatic system is one of the key systems working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure your brain’s health.

Unearthed only in 2015, the glymphatic system’s waste clearance powerhouse facilitates the nightly removal of toxins and metabolic waste from the brain. Its work, however, doesn’t stop there. It also has structural and functional features that may be connected with neurological and neurodegenerative conditions .It enhance neuroplasticity.  (           

But here’s the catch — the glymphatic system becomes active when we are in either deep sleep or REM. This is where dreaming, a component of REM sleep, plays a critical role in supporting proper brain detoxification. Dreams are a conduit to another dimension of thinking, removing waste, promoting brain detoxification, and restoring psychological balance. A well-balanced mind necessitates dreaming.

GABA: A crucial neurotransmitter in the brain known for its role in learning, memory, and particularly long-term memory.

L-THEANINE: An amino acid well known to promote restful sleep and improve certain aspects of cognitive function, like attention and memory

People who use formulas that include the above report experiencing ease in falling asleep, improved quality of sleep, increased energy upon awakening, improved mood, focus, and attention, and increased quality and quantity of dreams.

These products also calm an overloaded nervous system and maintains internal balance. It influences deeper sleep, which further supports the glymphatic system, a key route of detoxification for stress-induced toxins.

This all contributes to rejuvenating your body’s built-in mechanisms to detoxify and heal, ensuring restorative sleep and energetic mornings.

We have helped individuals recover from chronic sleep issues with a combinations of functional medicine and osteopathic techniques

If you need help you can click HERE to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call  +65 6323 6652

We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Healing and Detoxification

When it comes to long term healing, it’s crucial to address the various sources of toxins that can unknowingly affect their daily lives. From household products and furniture to water, air, food, and personal care items, these environmental toxins can have a profound impact on physical, mental well-being and lifespan.. That is why we’d like to start by discussing how these hidden toxins can influence emotional health and share actionable strategies to reduce their impact.

Household Cleaners: Many household cleaners contain neurotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals that can impair cognitive function and contribute to mood disorders. Opt for natural alternatives to minimize exposure.

Furniture and Carpets: Chemicals emitted from furniture, carpets, and appliances (like flame retardants and formaldehyde) have been associated with respiratory issues, hormonal disruption, and even neurological problems like memory loss and mood swings.

Water Quality: Contaminants in city water, such as fluoride and chlorine, can affect neurotransmitter function and hormone balance, impacting mood and cognitive health. Consider investing in a water filtration system.

Air Quality: Poor indoor air quality due to trapped chemicals and mold can lead to symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and cognitive impairment, affecting mental clarity and emotional stability.

  1.  Mould Exposure: Mold toxins can disrupt hormonal signaling and cause inflammation, leading to symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cognitive dysfunction.
  2. Toxic Food: Pesticides and herbicides in food, like glyphosate, can negatively impact gut health and contribute to mood disorders by affecting neurotransmitter production.
  3. Plastic Exposure: Endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in plastics can interfere with hormone regulation, potentially leading to mood swings, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
  4. Mercury Exposure: Mercury from sources like amalgam fillings and contaminated seafood can impair cognitive function and exacerbate mood disorders.
  5. Vaccine Ingredients: Some vaccine ingredients, such as aluminium and formaldehyde, can trigger immune responses that impact neurological health, potentially affecting mood and behaviour.
  6. Personal Care Products: Chemicals like phthalates and parabens in beauty and hygiene products can disrupt hormone balance and contribute to mood disturbances.

To mitigate these risks and support mental health, reduce toxicity and inflammation, we recommend adopting the following strategies:

  • Choose natural and non-toxic household cleaners, furniture, and personal care products.
  • Invest in water and air filtration systems to reduce exposure to contaminants.
  • Maintain good ventilation in indoor spaces to minimize mould and chemical build-up.
  • Prioritize organic, pesticide-free foods to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.
  • Advocate for safe vaccination practices and consider detoxification protocols when necessary.
  • Encourage the use of glass, stainless steel, or BPA-free containers for food and drinks.
  • Educate clients on the potential mental health impacts of environmental toxins and help them make informed lifestyle choices.

Understanding these connections is crucial for promoting overall health and mental well-being and your gut brain.

I would encourage you to adopt safer alternatives and detoxifying practices can have profound effects on their mental clarity, mood stability, and overall vitality.

We have helped individuals recover from digestive issues and chronic inflammation with a combinations of naturopathy, functional medicine, acupuncture and osteopathic techniques

If you need help you can click HERE to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it.

Health and Wellness Assessment

We are here for you at the Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment

Or call  +65 63236652.

We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients

Electrosmog (Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution): Understanding Causes and Prevention

MBA in Healthcare Management Community Service Programme

In collaboration with Malaysian Association of Advancement in Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine, Malaysian Medical Association IMU Cares and APHESIS Resources.

Webinar Title: Electrosmog (Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution): Understanding Causes and Prevention

Duration: 2.5 hours

Objective: An informative and interactive program to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of electrosmog, its causes, and practical ways to mitigate its effects.


Introduction (30 minutes)

  1. Welcome and Housekeeping (10 minutes) by Moderator: Dr Malvinder Singh
    • Introduction of the host and speakers
    • Overview of the webinar platform features (chat, Q&A, polls, KAHOOT)
    • Brief outline of the webinar agenda
  2. Introduction to Electrosmog (20 minutes) by Speaker 1: Prof Dr Adlina Suleiman
    • Definition of electrosmog
  1. Explanation of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
  2. Sources of electrosmog (natural vs. man-made)
  3. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: a new disease?
  4. Current policies on electrosmog                  

Session 1: Understanding Electrosmog (45 minutes) by Speaker 2: Dr Sundardas D Annamalay

1. Health Impacts of Electrosmog (40 minutes)

  1. Overview of scientific studies and findings
  2. Potential short-term and long-term health effects
  3. Q&A (5 minutes)
    • Address questions from participants about the basics of electrosmog

Session 2: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies (45 minutes) by Dr Sundardas D Annamalay

  1. Reducing Exposure at Home (10 minutes)
    • Safe usage of electronic devices
    • Optimizing home layout to minimize exposure
  2. Preventive Measures in Public Spaces (10 minutes)
    • Guidelines for schools, workplaces, and public areas
    • Policy and regulation overview
  3. Technological Solutions (10 minutes)
    • EMF shielding products
    • Future technologies aimed at reducing electrosmog
  4. Issues and Challenges (10 minutes)
  5. Q&A (5 minutes)
    • Address questions from participants about prevention strategies

Session 3: Case Studies and Expert Panel Discussion (30 minutes)

  1. Case Studies on Electrosmog Reduction (15 minutes)
    • Real-life examples of effective electrosmog mitigation
  2. Expert Panel Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Discussion with experts in the field of EMFs and public health
    • Interactive dialogue with audience questions

Closing Remarks (10 minutes)

  1. Summary of Key Takeaways (5 minutes)
    • Recap of the main points discussed
  2. Feedback and Next Steps (5 minutes)
    • Participant feedback
    • Information on additional resources and future webinars

Interactive Elements:

  • Polls/KAHOOT: Conducted at the beginning and during breaks to engage participants
  • Q&A Sessions: Incorporated after each main section for participant interaction
  • Live Chat: Ongoing throughout the webinar for participants to share thoughts and ask questions

Date                                        :           Friday, 30 August 2024

Time                                       :           8:00pm to 10:30pm

Venue                                     :           via Teams

Maximum participation        :           250

Target Audience:

  1. Doctors
  2. Nurses
  3. Lecturers in Medical/Health Related Faculties
  4. Pubic Health Officers/Executives
  5. Healthcare Managers

Please register HERE! or scan the QR Code on the poster.

Yours in Health,

Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Inflammation and your Gut Health

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between your gut health and your overall well-being?

Does it feel like no matter how healthy you eat or how many “health tricks” you try…

Your gut pain still feels unbearable?

I´m not talking about mild, occasional stomach cramps. I´m talking about extreme, life-crippling cramps.

Ones that make your gut feel like it’s being squeezed in a vice grip. Where it´s so intense… you feel like passing out in cold sweats. If you’re relying on common remedies to ease this, you might be making a massive mistake.

Most “solutions” are just temporary fixes. They just cover up symptoms rather than addressing the underlying issues. When your gut pain is this severe and persistent. It’s a sign that your gut environment may be severely compromised.

The best way to actually find long-lasting improvement is by rebuilding your gut in the most natural way possible!

We’ve developed a straightforward, protocol that has been scientifically proven to:

• Repair your gut lining—creating a strong barrier against irritants.

• Strengthen your microbiome—for better digestion and health.

• Improve nutrient absorption—get more from your food.

• Support your immune system—keep illnesses at bay.

• Reduce deadly inflammation—cut down the root of pain.

There’s one big problem with inflammation that you won’t hear often. Finding out if you have it, most of the time, requires some detective work! Some signs can be obvious: redness, swelling, or feeling hot to the touch. But, some of the signs can mimic other conditions and are too subtle to notice.

In fact, symptoms like eczema, psoriasis, diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, depression, arthritis, brain fog, and joint issues all point to one underlying cause…

Chronic inflammation!

So many people are not aware they have any inflammation until they run lab tests.
And do you know the biggest driver of chronic inflammation? A dysfunctional gut!

These symptoms are alarm bells of your body letting you know that something is not right in your gut. And if you continue to ignore your gut health, these inflammatory symptoms will only progress until you’re forced to stop and listen.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to stop inflammation in its tracks.

Recent scientific advancements have shed light on a once controversial topic – the legitimacy of leaky gut syndrome (also known as intestinal permeability) and its systemic consequences. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to understand how this condition impacts not only your digestive system but your entire body!

In our consultations and testing: you will learn:

• About the factors contributing to leaky gut and its association with various health conditions.

How leaky gut occurs? You will have the opportunity to explore how disruptions in the intestinal barrier can lead to increased permeability, triggering immune responses and inflammation throughout the body.

How to treat leaky gut? You will discover practical strategies to support and optimize your gut health, including dietary changes, stress management techniques, natural supplements, lifestyle modifications and so much more.

We have helped individuals recover from digestive issues and chronic inflammation with a combination of functional medicine and osteopathic techniques

If you need help you can click HERE to review your lifestyle choices and find out what you can do to improve it. Health and Wellness Assessment.
We are here for you at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic.

Yours in Health,
Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.

Simply email us at to make an appointment
Or call +65 63236652

We are pleased to offer consultations via Zoom for online coaching clients.