This research carried out by OnePoll and commissioned by Perigo involving 2,000 adults suggests that the average person is currently trying their best to live with at least four health ailments such as headaches, seasonal allergies, muscle twinges, and back pain. The data reveals that an astounding 82% have at least one minor health condition and 59% of those people report being in significant pain or discomfort.
More than one-quarter of those struggling with ailments have had specific health issues for several years or more; nearly 8% report that they have been struggling with an ailment for more than a decade.
The impact of the struggle is wide-ranging with 46% reporting having issues with sleep, 28% having developed mental health conditions, and 18% reporting that they are no longer able to work.
7 in 10 of those struggling with ailments report that they have tried to adopt a keep calm and just carry on type of mindset as a coping mechanism. Another 28% report that they do so because for one reason or another they feel like their doctor just doesn’t seem interested. 27% claim that they are not able to even get an appointment with their doctor, and 22% say that they just don’t like going in for an appointment to see their doctor. Surprisingly, 52% admit that it has never even crossed their mind to visit a pharmacy for some advice.
“Even minor issues and ailments can impact our quality of life and the way we want to live, when they really don’t have to,” suggests Farah Ali, superintendent pharmacist at London’s Warman-Freed, in a statement.
“Don’t ignore your body by putting up with discomfort and suffering in silence. There are ways to manage conditions early through self-care so that problems don’t build up and disrupt everyday activity.”
The data suggests that there is a common tendency to go it alone and suffer in silence, with 57% of all participants reporting that they typically keep quiet when they develop a health condition. However, 54% admit that they are better at looking at other people’s health status rather than their own.
This approach appears to be applied to self-care as well with 56% agreeing that they neglect self-care, and 43% not even considering self-care to be a priority. But 43% think that they have been improving with self-care over recent years, and 69% reported that they are good at listening to their body and understanding its needs.
The data suggests that the average adult has called in sick to work at least 7 days over the past year. However, this number should perhaps be higher due to 3 in 5 participants reporting that they have worked despite feeling too ill to do so.
37% report going to work despite being ill because they just don’t like taking time off, 31% report having too much work to do, and 20% report that they go to work because they simply don’t want to acknowledge that they had a problem to begin with.
Stress and other health issues can’t wait. At Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples.
Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at +65 6323 6652 or visit our contact page https://www.sundardasnaturopathy.com/
Prof Sundardas D Annamalay
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The GutBrain Healing online programme with naturopath Dr Sundardas D Annamalay is a holistic, 6 module kick starter programme for you to rebalance your gut health. Through easy to follow video content with a sound scientific basis, participants are educated on the foundational underpinnings of gut health. By doing so you’ll optimise your immune system, digestion & weight management. You will also get rid of symptoms that have been plaguing you all your life. Here’s to a healthy Gut!