What is the best way to measure sleep?
The brain-wave sleep that is an indicator of brain health is not measured by most consumer technology devices. They can still offer insights about your sleep patterns and wakefulness during the night. There are physical changes in your body during sleep. Your heart rate, body temperature, and activity levels are included. Some newer technology can distinguish light and deep sleep, and some sensors can use a program to predict when you are asleep or awake. The advantage to using these sensors is that they can measure every day and give a sense of your sleep regularity over time.
There is a connection between sleep and brain health and it shows us how to prevent and treat brain diseases.
Researchers used a sound that stimulates sleep in older adults. The amount of improvement in sleep was related to the improvement in memory. The study found that timed light therapy improved daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, daily physical activity levels, and the Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale score, which measures the severity and progression of the disease.
Our internal rhythm needs to be in sync with our exposure to light and darkness for our bodies to function well. The light that reaches the eyes is different from the light that is available in the sun. The right types of light are available at the right times if you match your internal clock to the sun. Our sleep and wake cycles are affected by the light and dark that we experience daily. Our nutrition provides us with information about when and how much we eat.
Our lifestyles can affect our sleep and rhythms. External factors, like our daily schedule, can negatively impact sleep. It also means lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on sleep.
Researchers recommends setting a regular sleep-wake schedule that will give you 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. She says that it is more important than how much sleep you get to have a good brain. Light exposure and eating timed to coincide with the day will help your body stay in rhythm. Alcohol can disrupt sleep and suppress sleep, so reduce or avoid it. This causes a rebound effect that wakes you up.
How much sleep is enough? How do you know you are getting enough?
Regularity is important. We all have bad nights. It can have a bigger impact on our health if it is chronic. The general recommendation is 7 to 8 hours for adults and 7 to 8 hours for older adults. There are differences based on our unique bodies.
How do you know you are getting enough sleep? Consider how you feel. Are you able to stay awake and do your daily activities? These daytime indicators help us gauge how much sleep we need since we can’t get regular scans of our brains.
If you are struggling with brain fog, memory issues, focus issues and insomnia we can help.
No matter what the trigger for your difficult emotions, emotional healing is possible in all of these scenarios. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can’t wait. At Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples.
Book a private consultation today and take control of your own health.
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You can sign up for my 14 Module program called “Vibrant Living”

“Psychosomatic experiencing is about working directly with your nervous system. You are about to become intimately familiar and comfortable with your inner survival system. You will learn how to shift the different emotional states to a manageable level within a few minutes.
When our emotions are running our lives, we are not in a state of calm aliveness. Rather, there are imbalances in the nervous system that cause problems. It causes imbalances in other systems and organs in our body. Not to mention how these imbalances influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviours towards ourselves and others.”
You can sign up below for a program on healing your gut.

https://masteringtime.app.freshmember.com/socket/cart/add/NDE/NTEThe GutBrain Healing online programme with naturopath Dr Sundardas D Annamalay is a holistic, 6 module kick starter programme for you to rebalance your gut health. Through easy to follow video content with a sound scientific basis, participants are educated on the foundational underpinnings of gut health. By doing so you’ll optimise your immune system, digestion & weight management. You will also get rid of symptoms that have been plaguing you all your life. Here’s to a healthy Gut!
Call us and get support now. Don’t suffer alone in silence. Email us at: admin@naturaltherapies.com or call +65 6323 6652. Leave us a phone message if the line is busy.
Yours in Health
Prof Sundardas D Annamalay

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