What the heat from your organs could tell you about your emotional state?

Visceral Manipulation involves the release of tension in the ligaments of the organs in the body. It is a gentle, but relatively deep tissue therapy with the entire emphasis on making sure that the organs move and glide freely. Frequently the cause of the lack of motion in the organs is due to severe trauma to the body (i.e. car accidents, falls, etc.).

As one aspect of the physical examination, manual thermal diagnosis is a method that utilizes sensitivity to temperature changes to identify dysfunction within the body. It is useful across a wide spectrum of health disciplines, and augments other forms of diagnosis.

With Manual Thermal Diagnosis the practitioner uses his/her hands as sensitive diagnostic instruments. Each area of the body is surveyed, from the cranium, face and neck to the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and posterior visceral projections. The physical state and emotional state can be read off the body and treated appropriately.


Modern whole Body Thermography is a non-invasive “early detection” system that accurately assesses organ and body malfunctions by identifying “signatures” of diseases.

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