First Ever Study of Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated Kids [via]


(Image credit: from
Vaccinating children remains the guardianship decision of parents, but truly informed consent only comes with comprehensive research, evaluation, and study of every conceivable outcome — both positive and negative.

Claire Bernish, The Free Thought Project
Waking Times Media

In recent years, the glaring spotlight of skepticism has been turned to the topic of vaccines, bitterly dividing parents and giving doctors of modern medicine conniption fits — but no matter where you stand on vaccinations, the fact two groundbreaking, scientific, peer-reviewed studies painting inoculations in not-so favorable light have vanished from the Internet is cause for concern.

Originally, the study, titled, “Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children,” was published in Open Access Text.

Until, that is, Open Access Text removed it and a second, similar study by the same authors from their archives without explanation. In fact, The Free Thought Project attempted to contact Open Access Text on multiple occasions for an explanation on the abrupt decision to pull the studies — but, as of publishing, had yet to receive a response.  More at this link:

Comments from Dr. Sundardas D. Annamalay: “When I first saw statistics 19 years ago, they were bad but not as alarming as this report. Incidence of NDD was about 2% not 4.7%. So incidence has gone up by 135%. Significant indeed.”



One thought on “First Ever Study of Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated Kids [via]

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