MBA in Healthcare Management Community Service Programme
In collaboration with Malaysian Association of Advancement in Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine, Malaysian Medical Association IMU Cares and APHESIS Resources.
Webinar Title: Electrosmog (Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution): Understanding Causes and Prevention
Duration: 2.5 hours
Objective: An informative and interactive program to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of electrosmog, its causes, and practical ways to mitigate its effects.
Introduction (30 minutes)
- Welcome and Housekeeping (10 minutes) by Moderator: Dr Malvinder Singh
- Introduction of the host and speakers
- Overview of the webinar platform features (chat, Q&A, polls, KAHOOT)
- Brief outline of the webinar agenda
- Introduction to Electrosmog (20 minutes) by Speaker 1: Prof Dr Adlina Suleiman
- Definition of electrosmog
- Explanation of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
- Sources of electrosmog (natural vs. man-made)
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: a new disease?
- Current policies on electrosmog
Session 1: Understanding Electrosmog (45 minutes) by Speaker 2: Dr Sundardas D Annamalay
1. Health Impacts of Electrosmog (40 minutes)
- Overview of scientific studies and findings
- Potential short-term and long-term health effects
- Q&A (5 minutes)
- Address questions from participants about the basics of electrosmog
Session 2: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies (45 minutes) by Dr Sundardas D Annamalay
- Reducing Exposure at Home (10 minutes)
- Safe usage of electronic devices
- Optimizing home layout to minimize exposure
- Preventive Measures in Public Spaces (10 minutes)
- Guidelines for schools, workplaces, and public areas
- Policy and regulation overview
- Technological Solutions (10 minutes)
- EMF shielding products
- Future technologies aimed at reducing electrosmog
- Issues and Challenges (10 minutes)
- Q&A (5 minutes)
- Address questions from participants about prevention strategies
Session 3: Case Studies and Expert Panel Discussion (30 minutes)
- Case Studies on Electrosmog Reduction (15 minutes)
- Real-life examples of effective electrosmog mitigation
- Expert Panel Discussion (15 minutes)
- Discussion with experts in the field of EMFs and public health
- Interactive dialogue with audience questions
Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
- Summary of Key Takeaways (5 minutes)
- Recap of the main points discussed
- Feedback and Next Steps (5 minutes)
- Participant feedback
- Information on additional resources and future webinars
Interactive Elements:
- Polls/KAHOOT: Conducted at the beginning and during breaks to engage participants
- Q&A Sessions: Incorporated after each main section for participant interaction
- Live Chat: Ongoing throughout the webinar for participants to share thoughts and ask questions
Date : Friday, 30 August 2024
Time : 8:00pm to 10:30pm
Venue : via Teams
Maximum participation : 250
Target Audience:
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Lecturers in Medical/Health Related Faculties
- Pubic Health Officers/Executives
- Healthcare Managers
Please register HERE! or scan the QR Code on the poster.
Yours in Health,
Prof Sundardas D Annamalay