Globally, the US disease economy simply cannot compete with global economies that actually produce something useful. You want proof of it? Just look at what’s happening to General Motors. General Motors is shutting down. General Motors is probably headed for bankruptcy. One of the largest corporations ever produced by the United States is about to go bankrupt. Why? The answer is that General Motors is spending more on health insurance than it is on steel. They’re operating in a disease economy, and in a disease economy, it costs way too much for workers because workers are diseased, and you have to cover the costs of treating all that disease so you can have health insurance for all those workers. The United State’s health insurance costs are the highest of any nation in the world.
Not only do they have workers who are under-educated in the United States, they are also over-diseased. They have a disease economy, so they think they are creating abundance by selling each other expensive treatments, products and services for disease. The real industries, like automobile manufacturing, are disappearing. Toyota is smart. Toyota is going to dominate the auto industry. Personally, I won’t drive anything other than the Toyota. Toyota is the best mainstream vehicle in the world. Interestingly enough, Toyota is going to be making robots soon, too. Japan does not have a disease economy. Japan has an economy with a good dose of innovation. In fact, innovation is thriving throughout Asia. They don’t have a disease economy. They have an innovation-based economy where they actually have to produce something useful to get paid.
Smart nations will invest in prevention
Now, at some point these nations, as they adopt the Western lifestyle and become richer and start to consume more beef animal products, as well as junk food, may very well become disease economies. But some of these nations will be smart about it and start investing in prevention. For example, any nation right now in this world that allows cigarettes to be sold to its population is committing a form of self-destruction. It’s like national suicide. What nation would want its citizens to smoke cigarettes so that they would halve their own lives, create huge health-care costs and at the same time reduce their long-term productivity?
The US is losing its health. They are losing their minds. They are losing their genuine economic base. They are losing their manufacturing and losing their scientific edge. They are losing their educational edge, and losing the inherent value of their money supply as the U.S. dollar continues to slip. What do they have left? Well there’s always the Wal-mart and the Walgreens. If you can’t sleep, you can always buy sleeping pills. If you can’t wake up in the morning, you can always drink some coffee. It’s the disease economy.
The disease economy is all around you
It takes an act of great self-determination and courage to extricate oneself from the disease economy and be a productive member of society. It is a rare thing to witness. Very few people I’ve ever known, or know today, are actually productive members of society doing something useful for the benefit of other human beings.
Do you know who some of those people are? Organic farmers. These are people I greatly respect who are actually doing something useful for others. It is something difficult, something laborious, something a lot of people wouldn’t want to do. There are people in society that are productive, and if we’re going to succeed as an economy — or even as a nation — into the future, we’re going to have to expand the number of people who are making a living doing something useful, not something that is just based on disease.
You see, thinking that money spent on disease treatment is economic productivity is actually an economic fallacy. Here’s an example: If you just want to create jobs in the country, I have a brilliant plan for job creation. First, hire half the nation to be window breakers. Give them all hammers. Their job is to go around the entire country and break windows. Then you hire the other half of the nation to be window replacers. Their job is to go around and replace all the windows that were broken by the window breakers. You do that and you will have full employment! Sounds insane, doesn’t it? But that’s what’s actually happening today with health.
Then there are nations like Singapore. Singapore is doing some very intelligent things, and education is one of them. Singapore has a very smart population and a booming economy based on actual abundance and not disease. Of course, people say, “Singapore is almost like a police state. What about personal rights?” That’s a huge argument. Should people have the right to smoke themselves to death? Should they have the right to drink soft drinks until they’re so obese that they need a knee replacement and demand to be covered by Medicare? Should people be allowed to eat junk food all day, avoid exercise and then get heart disease and need a heart transplant that’s paid for by other taxpayers or other participants in their insurance company? These are questions I can’t answer in this article. All I can say is that any nation that bases its economy on “diseasification” of its citizens is ultimately doomed to economic collapse. That’s exactly where the United States economy is currently headed, to certain economic collapse. Singapore is not heading that way.
Be well
Dr Sundardas