During 1996-1997, a number of Candida clinicians have found that the prescription anti-fungal medication, Lamisil®, is a useful adjunct in treating their patients with yeast-related disorders.
Treatment designed to eradicate the candida, re-establish normal flora, and correct the eating patterns of the patient can lead to a complete cure.
Eating principles:
• Anti-Candida Diet: Have the patient follow the diet strictly for 1 week, then gradually introduce new foods. Initially the patient should avoid almost all carbohydrates, especially pop, fruit juice and high
glycemic index foods. Many patients benefit from eating a significant amount of meat (fish, poultry, red meat) the first week; grains only a couple of times, during this first week.
• Increase Dietary Fibre: This should come primarily from vegetable sources. Psyllium, pectin, flax powder or other soluble fiber can also be added to the diet. This tends to stabilize blood sugars.
Therapeutic Foods:
• Liquid chlorophyll, alfalfa tablets, sprouts, green vegetables, carrots, dandelions, beet tops, garlic, mung beans, yogurt, acidophilus, foods that tonify the Spleen and Stomach
• Sugar in all forms, nuts, candy, processed and refined foods, fried foods, coffee and caffeine, bread made with yeast, fermented foods, soy sauce, wine, alcohol, excessive fruit especially sweet fruit, alcohol, hot
sauces, spicy foods, fatty foods, rich foods, salty foods, coffee, caffeine, sweet foods
• Do not use yogurt to reculture the bowel while the patient is still taking tetracycline because dairy interferes with absorption of the drug (Austin)
• Diverse and vigorous probiotic flora, esp. Lactobacillus acidophilus: 1/2 tsp or 2 caps t.i.d., depending on source and brand. Decreased pH in large intestine speeds transit time, re-establishes flora, and competitively inhibits growth of candida. (Kennedy, M. and Volz, P. Infection and Immunology 49:654-663, 1985; Bennet and Brinkman. Lancet Jan, 21, 1989)
• Butyric acid: The preferred metabolic substrate for colonic epithelial cells (Cummings, J. Gut 22: 763-779, 1981; Whitehead, R., Young, G., Bhatal, P. Gut 27:1457-63, 1986)
• Garlic: 3 caps t.i.d. for 1-2 weeks. Raw garlic is probably the most effective at inhibiting yeast growth.
• Bentonite clay: binds to endotoxins, preferably as colloidal suspension.
• Caprylic acid: promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.
• Undecylenic acid, an 11 carbon fatty acid, inhibits the growth of Candida albicans.
• Nystatin: Starting dose 1/8 teaspoon t.i.d. Gradually increase the dose by 1/8 teaspoon per dose every
1-2 weeks. (1/8 t = 500,000units)
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Yours in Health,
Prof Sundardas D Annamalay